Monthly Archives: July 2013

Grasshopper Workshop @ MEGAWRA



Grasshopper Workshop LEVEL 1


SESSION -1 19-Jul
SESSION -2 23-Jul
SESSION -3 26-Jul
SESSION -4 30-Jul
SESSION -5 2-Aug
SESSION -6 6-Aug


17 Amin Zaki St. Ard el-Golf, Cairo, Egypt.


Ayman Wagdy Mohamed Ibrahim

Author of “New parametric workflow based on validated day-lighting simulation”

M.Sc. Architecture – Architecture and Building Technology| Politecnico Di Milano


Session 1. We will know about GH and parametric Architecture and why it’s important for us to know it, by comparing it with different 3D applications .  Then We will learn how to install GH for Rhino and how to setup the view port options to maximize our efficiency. After that we will have an overview of GH interface and how to start a project and save a project.We will learn how to set up different ways of inputs specially for Cad & 3DSMax users ! How to import and export your current projects.

Session 2. We will know more about GH components (DATA & OPERATIONAL components) and the basics logic of GH. Then we will start dealing with mathematics inside GH and we will understand the different ways of generation numbers and sequences , then we will explorer the Boolean logics and different filters, then we will see some examples of using these logics.

Session 3. At this point we should be ready to know more details about different types of components inside GH mainly about Curves and Surfaces. how to make them ,how to evaluate any curve and why we need to use different component do different function or operation

Then we should touch the world of vectors how to compose them and to do mathematical operations over vectors , why we need them to move or to make any transformation to any object , then we will learn more about deformation and paneling techniques.

Session 4. Here we will understand the concept behind all grasshopper operation by understanding the Data Tree concept and it’s applications ,which will help us to develop more complex results

Session 5. After gaining the needed knowledge we will be ready to deal with advanced patterns and using attractors as design elements , and we will see some useful examples of this technique specially with Façade design.

Session 6. We will learn about optimization process and how to define the fitness function, then We will explore some advanced concepts and form Finding techniques.

Finally we can make an open discussion to have a final review ,then small presentation of the course ending.


4 hours per day [10 am :12 am & 12.30 pm : 2.30 pm]
Friday [10 am :12 am & 1.30 pm : 3.30 pm]


No need of any specific knowledge of Rhinoceros or Grasshopper.


In order to register,you will need to fill the Registration Form .


18th July 2013.


700 LE for University Students

1000 LE for Professional Architects

** Megawra will be open on Saturday 13/7 and Wednesday 17/7 for the workshop fees. For enquirers you can mail Arch. Maha Shalaby


Arch. Maha Shalaby

Teaching Assistant at the British University in Egypt (B.U.E.)

Email :

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